March 15, 2015

Inov mudclaws to white pajamas

Post Bob Graham I decided family time was the most important time. 20 training hours a week slogging up and down hills somewhat takes from family time. Given most teenages would rather be seen dead in a ditch than dancing with dad at a festival, so while they are not teenagers I am making the best of it.

I did Karate from about age 16 to 18, stopped when I went to University, mostly for reasons of rock climbing, so 27 years on when the kids wanted to start, I went along as Dad in shorts and pretended I had never done any karate. That did not last long, it is suprising how it comes back.

Thanks to great instructors [ 2 x 5th dan 1 x 3 dan]  kids have gone from White belts to Purple and I have moved from Purple to Brown 2 white stipes, so Black next for me when I am judged good enough to grade.

I still run, always off road, still love running downhill like a mad thing thats mad, but its going to be a little longer till I get back to really long distances and training commitment, but I will.

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