Of course, repeating the same path 5 times give some time to think about the BGR and the logistics. Since December 2009 I have been involved as a pacer in a Winter BGR, a BGR Ladies Relay and a Paddy attempt. This weekend I am pacing some folk for their BGR attempt. I have found being a pacer a wonderful experience, though at times rather sobering. I have been run into the ground twice only just being able to keep up (this seems to be a common experience and the rucksack is often blamed). There is so much to learn and its a great way to get to know new people, some you probably won't meet again, some you keep tripping over.
I am just about there in terms of pacers now. I don't know that many fell runners socially, so have had to reach out a little further and the response has been great. Some people have already booked things, but suggested others who might be free. People who I have only meet once in a dark lay-by at Dummail Raise or know by reputation have stepped up to the task. I just hope I can do them justice and am so thankful for their time and experience.
Don't run me into the ground, Clive ;-) Don't let me down either ;-) ;-) I want to run with you to a triumphant finish. It'll be a memorable experience for me too!