May 12, 2011

Calm before the gales

So the Met. Office mountain forecast looks like this for Saturday


A bright day with some sunshine. Scattered showers will break out over the National Park later in the morning, dying away again later in the afternoon. Strong to gale force northwesterly winds across the tops with summit temperatures. This will result in a high wind-chill effect over the higher summits.

Last time we had gales forecast and while there were some periods of strong winds, there were never a worry. Might be the same this time or it might be worse, you get the hand you are dealt with the weather. On the bonus side strong winds tend to assist descending (takes the pressure off your legs if you have the confidence to lean into it) and it is I would argue better than hot weather for an attempt. Best not to dwell on the weather, prepare for anything and take it as it comes, the forecast and subsequent reality may be better. We have finished packing. With what feels like a tonne of food for pacers to carry. Add to that food and gear for the stops, keeping 2 kids warm and happy, there is a fair amount of logistics to take your mind off things.

I feel quite confident. I know it can all still go wrong, but this time, barring injury (mine or someone else) I am going to finish, even if it take me 26 hours, though I am setting out with full intend to do sub 24.

I know there is one chap setting off at 6pm. Linda and Stef. at 7pm and me 10 minutes later, go good luck to the other 3 I know going on Friday night and anyone else.

Despite failing last time so much good personally came out of the experience, I don't feel able to worry to much about any prospect of failure, though I want to move on to other challenges now. I think family life has taken enough of a low level hit for the last 3 years with me being out training during meal times, etc, it is time to complete it within the 24 hours.

I have a great set of pacers and support, so baring serious injury or the prospect of immediate injury, the only excuses for not finishing within 24 hours are in my head.

1 comment:

  1. Good luck, and most of all, enjoy the journey around!
